
The Soul is the Higher “Self” of a human being.

It is also called Super Consciousness. It contains creative energy, intuition, inspiration, and wisdom. By discovering the ability to hear and feel the Higher Self, a person gets access to the energy of joy and love, to creative intuition and higher wisdom, which contains knowledge about everything, about the entire living Universe, about all levels of divine reality.

Most people live only by the perception of the Conscious "Self", even the Basic "Self" is realized with difficulty, although it continues to always have a direct impact on the inner world and human behavior. Inner contact with the Higher Self is practically absent for many people. But without it, it is impossible to feel the fullness of being and reveal all your potential, laid down by the Creator.

And at the same time, it happens that a person strives immediately to the highest (divine) level, rejecting or denying what he considers lower and unworthy. Although all levels, like everything around, are divine, and without knowing the lower, it is impossible to know the higher. Everything is one, everything is united. And only the desire for this unity leads to development and spiritual ascent - to the disclosure of one's true multifaceted divine nature.

Therefore, in order to open access to the Superconscious, you need to strengthen the basic levels - to have a strong and conscious connection with the Basic and Conscious "Self". They prepare a solid foundation for the further development and improvement of a person, for his connection with the Higher “Self”. If the foundation is weak and fragile, the highest level will be impossible to open and master.

How to achieve consistency of all levels of "Self"?

Do not focus only on the level of the body and mind, gradually clearing each level. Awareness will help with this - transferring to consciousness, comprehending your subconscious motives, emotions and feelings, your needs and reactions, and freeing yourself from those that destroy and do not allow you to develop. Thus the Basic "Self" of your body learns to interact with the Conscious "Self" of your mind and becomes not so chaotic, uncontrollable, and destructive, but on the contrary, it learns to be a creative, meaningful, joyful, harmonious assistant to the Mind and Soul on the path of your self-disclosure.

Develop flexibility, intuitiveness, and creativity in the Conscious Self of your Mind. The mind begins to go beyond its limited experience and acquired knowledge, expanding consciousness. So the Conscious Self gets in touch with the Higher Self and draws knowledge and wisdom of higher knowledge, and the facts of visible reality are supplemented by a sense of experience, an understanding of the deep causes, and interconnectedness of everything that happens.

And strengthen the connection with the Higher Self, with your soul, by the development of intuition, setting up a connection with your feelings of the soul, the ability to listen to its voice, the development of creative energy and other subtle creative energies and personal qualities - kindness, compassion, love, wisdom, self-control and calmness, inner purity, faith, harmony, trust in the Creator and the Higher Forces, the development of awareness.

A person with a harmoniously developed Body-Mind-Soul structure has an "expanded consciousness", he masters the entire sphere of his subconscious and superconscious, realizing that they are one. Without denying or renouncing any of his manifestations, he achieves integrity.
A person feels a rich palette of feelings and emotions of the Basic "Self" of his body and knows how to manage them, therefore he enjoys life in all its manifestations, his body is completely healthy, and his mind clearly and accurately perceives and understands the world, helps him quickly learn and adapt to new levels of life, and gain new knowledge, and he feels safe, having a close connection with the Creator and the Higher Forces, trusts the world, feels inner power, confident in himself and in future, and perceives the world through his soul, revealing his many-sided divine potential, becoming a super personality, a manifestation of God in a human body!