Development books
This book is a continuation of the first book “True Knowledge”, in which Natalia Rodina continues to reveal the highest sacred knowledge about the nature of man, his purpose and superpowers, the path of development of humanity and the entire planet, and describes the author’s methods for revealing the inner potential of the human mind and soul.
The new book written by Natalia Rodina, for a wide range of readers, without a doubt, will be the discovery of eternal truths in a modern application to our reality. In addition to a huge amount of unique information, the book also contains practical exercises for self-training. The author also provides many examples in it from her long-term practice of consulting and teaching people, cases from the life of her students - valuable tips for each person in the process of his development and study of the book.
We all want happiness, well-being, and comfort. We are looking for, we are exchanging for material goods. But happiness is inside everyone. Light and harmony are in ourselves.
The keys to perfect health, financial success, love, and joy in life can be found in the book "UNIVERSE OF LOVE AND UNDERSTANDING" by Dina Gandzyuk and Natalia Rodina.
This book contains many direct indications as well as hints to explain and help the seeker understand the fundamentals of spiritual work. Different chapters refer to different levels of being and existence, and their meaning will not be revealed immediately, this is normal.
Life changes are inevitable. The book will help you understand what is happening in your life.
A book about a person's path to God. About communication and answers to questions on all topics of interest to people.
A book for self-study and development, the ultimate goal of which is to help us heal our perceptions.
A book about the structure of the universe and the life of Jesus Christ
Online book on the Urantia Foundation website
All problems, suffering, and pain are generated by our selfish mind clinging to its false self. It is possible to escape from its captivity only through its absolute presence in the Present time – the only real moment of life. It is in the Present that we find our true essence, as well as the joy and understanding that integrity and perfection are not a goal, but a reality that is available to us now.
This book by Esther and Jerry Higgs describes one of the most effective teachings known on our planet today. "The Teachings of Abraham” (a spiritual being who conveys knowledge to people) is an opportunity to understand how life works and how to manage it. Everything turns out to be quite simple if you know what and when to do it. In this book, you are invited to find out the laws according to which certain people appear in life, certain events occur. And learn the mechanisms for the realization of their desires and goals. There are mood books and reasoning books, and this is a guide-to-action book.
From the author: “Life is very simple. What we give is what we receive. I believe that everyone, including me, is 100% responsible for all events in our lives, both the best and the worst. Our every thought literally creates our future. Everyone creates events in life with the help of thoughts and feelings. The thoughts we think literally create everything we experience in life. On the other hand, having established harmony and balance in our minds, we begin to find the same in life.”