Why go to Places of Power?

19 / 06 / 2024

Is there any point in visiting Places of Power? What can they give to a person? And is it possible to do without them on the path of personal development? Read the answers in the new article.

Everyone has heard that on the planet there are many so-called Places of Power - energetically strong places where a person can charge his body and soul with powerful energy, be healed of diseases, and even discover superpowers. There are really many such places on Earth - these are natural places where, thanks to a special combination of relief and nature, there is an active connection of flows of earthly and cosmic energies, they are also artifacts and remains of buildings of ancient highly developed civilizations that once lived on Earth and left their energy and even some high-frequency tools.


The strong energy of these places is really capable of charging a person’s energy resource, revealing his dormant abilities or restoring strength - but, as a rule, only for a while. After all, having received a recharge, a person returns home and to his usual state. He does not change his way of thinking, worldview, or attitude to life, because the Places of Power do not reveal to him new knowledge that can expand his consciousness and change the mental attitudes and programs by which he lives. He cannot maintain a new energy level for a long time, because he is accustomed to vibrating at his own frequencies, established over the years of his life. And gradually he still returns to his usual lower vibrations.


Even if some superpowers have been revealed to him, he does not understand them and does not know how to control them, and this is very dangerous for the consciousness and psyche of an unprepared person. When a person is ready to discover psychic abilities, they reveal themselves to him, so adaptation occurs naturally, without damaging his psyche and health. This is possible only when a person is ready with his level of expanded consciousness, and when he is completely healthy and has been living on high vibrations of energy for a long time, knows how to manage them, and is stable in them.


So is it necessary or not to go to such Places of Power? Of course, everyone is free to choose for themselves, but I would like to say one important thing that everyone should know - YOU CAN BECOME A PLACE OF POWER! This ability was originally endowed by the Creator in every person, which is why it is said in the highest sources that God created man in his own image and likeness. That is, the Creator breathed into each person his energy, his particle of soul, his potential, and his abilities as a creator. All that a person now needs is to reveal this greatness and power of God within himself!


Man is literally a generator and transformer of colossal energy - a creative creative divine force that creates life and reality. The problem is that people either don't know about it or don't believe it. But this can and should be learned. Moreover, this is the task of everyone living on Earth. For this reason, human souls incarnate here. All people can, if they want, learn to generate the strongest energy of health, goodness, and success - the energy of life and prosperity. They can learn to channel this energy into creating the reality of their lives, managing events and even time. This power can solve any problem and protect against any threat. It can do anything!


This is the greatest gift people can discover in themselves! And for this, you don’t need to travel anywhere, because these treasures are hidden within you - in your soul, nature of subtle bodies, and consciousness. All you need is to reveal and develop them and do this consciously and skillfully.


I also teach this to my students, but I reveal the knowledge only to sincerely aspiring souls, pure in their thoughts and goals, who want their lives to acquire high meaning, and who strive to reveal their greatest divine potential, not for the sake of selfish selfish goals, but to bring many benefits not only to themselves and their families but to the whole world. It is to such people that these secrets and great opportunities are revealed. These people will become the pillars of the world in the future and will build a new world - in creation, love, mutual assistance, and care. Only for such people is it possible to continue life, because people who do not correspond to the high creative energies of the new world will leave this world in the coming years.


The energy of the planet is increasing due to the arrival of new cosmic energies every year and month and will reach its peak in 10-11 years. DO YOU WANT TO BE THE ONE WHO ENTERS THE NEW WORLD AND UNLOCKS YOUR POWER NOW? Those who adapt to a new state of life and survive all transformations without pain, suffering, and illness? Those who can help their loved ones survive all the difficulties, become their support and support? Do you want to become someone who does not suffer while living this life, is not a victim of circumstances, but manages all the processes of his life? If so, know that you can do it. You just need knowledge and helpers - first of all, a master who will attune you to new vibrations, teach practical techniques, help expand your consciousness, and reveal your abilities. Knock on the door and they will open it for you. There is knowledge and techniques, and we are always ready to share them with Pure Souls. Listen to your heart and choose your path.


Author: Natalia Rodina