19 / 06 / 2017

Spiritual development in our time is the science of higher knowledge. This is the study of subtle energies, energy fields, quantum particles, cosmology, torsion fields, wave genetics, and parapsychology, this is the disclosure of the superpowers of human consciousness.

Previously, spiritual development was considered a purely narrow religious direction, but in our New Age, it has become a science of a new level, revealing to people the highest level of sacred knowledge, which is explained from the standpoint of modern science.

The knowledge that modern scientific directions open up to people not only enriches with the latest and unique information but also opens up the opportunity for people to develop their consciousness, their spiritual and superconscious level. This gives the development of the possibilities of the spirit and superpowers of a person - clairvoyance, clair-knowledge, intuition, telepathy, and many others, in order to cognize higher levels of Divine reality.

Now more than ever it is necessary for the development and evolution of mankind. After all, without developing one's spiritual potential, which for many centuries remained unexplored and undiscovered, a human being stops in development and, simply speaking, degrades.

The modern direction of spiritual development does not enslave in religiosity and blind faith but brings to the level of scientific knowledge and study of the divine creation - the man himself, his consciousness, his subtle energies, the laws of the existence of life, the planet, and the entire Universe. 

Awareness makes a person the master of his own destiny. Ignorance and narrowness of knowledge, on the contrary, make him dependent and controlled. Only the study of higher science, which reveals knowledge about the spiritual nature of man, can lead us to a new, higher stage of life and development.