13 / 04 / 2022

It's a new time, a new state of life. More and more people are awakening from the influence and pressure of the destructive collective unconscious matrix. More and more people are coming out of delusions and embarking on the path of a new reality and a new life, a new state, and new opportunities.

Therefore, the small number of people who were still in search now understand what is happening to them. They pulled themselves together, united, created their collective consciousness and now their thinking is already disconnected from the Matrix. And these people cannot be influenced. But only those people who really remain vigilant and aware, retain an understanding of what is happening, manage themselves and control the situation. Those who are struggling and working on themselves, are not lazy and moving in this process. 

All this has come about through the process of spiritual growth and development of this small group. This group is growing and developing. It includes more and more new people from different countries of the world. Our center and our work are also such groups and activities. It is these communities that create conscious consciousness on the planet.

See what's happening. When a group of people who are pure in their thinking communicate with each other, live as one huge family located in different parts of the planet, in a state of creation, joy, faith in the future and their wonderful life, they create this wonderful life already in their families, in their consciousness and reality, they generate wave radiation, and this wave of light touches those people who are also in search.

Thus, people who dream about the good, strive for it, control themselves, own the power of the light of their consciousness, radiate this light and fill the world with it. And the world comes out of the destructive delusion and breaks away from the Matrix. This happens only to those people who consciously live their lives.

People living in a state of internal illusion also radiate to people like themselves the same destructive thoughts, which are similar in their strength to an atomic bomb explosion. This is confirmed by scientists who claim that the forces of thoughts have become so strong and impetuous that the release of this force produces instantaneous processes and results in the reality of the life of the world. And this process for many is not conscious and not controlled.

People who are in the process of destruction, in the process of the Quantum Transition, radiate an explosion of destructive energy, and this destruction is rapidly affecting and influencing other people. And they also receive back the same destructive wave from people like themselves, and this wave brings them to complete annihilation, illness, problems, difficulties, troubles, and madness.

People who still do not want this and are tired of living in the madness are in search, find literature, dig on the Internet, find knowledge, find teachers, and find a way out. Thus, having embarked on the path of self-realization, self-development, and management of themselves and their lives, they are no longer subject to the influence of those people who create processes of destruction with their thoughts. With their creative consciousness, they live in other states of reality, in a state of peace and prosperity.

People who, with their pure thoughts, created purity of consciousness, are now enjoying and rejoicing in this world. These are the people who created, continue to create, and will continue to create a new world on this planet.

It is for this that the Quantum Leap is being made, it is these people who will continue the evolution on this planet. It is these people who will survive all the difficulties and problems created by the unconscious, insane, envious, hating people, who divide everything into "yours, mine, and ours." Such destructive people will be forced to leave this planet because they do not create anything. And due to the acceleration of a unit of time, the accelerated process of accomplishing everything, they receive even more and more destruction.

Is there a way out for these people? There is! Just those people who are conscious, work with such people, and by their example help them to become just as conscious, and pull them out of the abyss of the Matrix. Therefore, they tirelessly help their husbands, wives, relatives, and friends to be saved.

Yes, it takes more than one day, more than one night, more than one month, and even more than one year, but they still help, and they do it, saving their families and humanity. They show by their example that, after all, conscious people are right, and exactly our thoughts now instantly reproduce our reality for us. And thus, the unconscious person becomes conscious.

I am telling you this from my own experience.

Thanks to conscious people, and a conscious community, we will save this world with you.