26 / 09 / 2022

The process of development of the Center, created by Natalia Vladimirovna Rodina, has been steadily increasing for many years, and it currently has students from 47 countries, and the number of listeners on YouTube is more than 60 thousand people. Such stable fame and popularity, confirmed by the high quality of life results of Natalia Rodina’s students, unfortunately, causes some schools and masters to be jealous and aggressive, which is expressed in various published texts and videos.

We have long been accustomed to these «infections» of the dark world, but recently among our students there have been various discussions and slogans to stand up for the defense of the teacher and punish the traitors who spread such «infections»! Friends, firstly, Natalia Rodina does not need defense - the strength of the master is very great, she needs only your help, which is expressed in your spiritual growth, quality of life, and correct application of the Knowledge gained!
Secondly, you need to understand exactly what is betrayal! It is very important to understand that betrayal is not just a change, a transition from one master to another. There is an understanding of the development of personality. If you choose a teacher who gives you new in-depth knowledge, it’s growth! The development is determined by moving forward - from the ABC book to textbooks, then to books on the philosophy of life, etc. You will never reread the ABC book. The transition from lower forms of knowledge to higher ones is not a betrayal!
But when a person, due to his laziness, egoism (he does not want to work every day on himself, to work on the perfection of himself, but wants to quickly and easily get what is being worked out for years under the strict guidance of the teacher) leaves the master, lowering himself to a variety of coaches, Seers, cosmoenergetes, and the like, promising quick healing, rich life, «cleaning karma in one hour», - this is already a real betrayal!!
However, not everything is clear here either, there may be mistakes and delusions that lead the gullible to the path of treason to true knowledge. For example, the way back to the level of Reiki gymnastics, the materialism of theta-healing, and everything like that is a return to the primer-book, to the jungle of a huge number of different directions, movements, and teachings in which are confused and mixed, in personal ambitions and concepts invented for selfish purposes, grains of the foundations of true Spiritual development! This is a fall from a clear higher Path into a murky ocean of doubts and torments of choice for one's conscience. 
But having consciously chosen for yourself the authoritative opinion of a person of the astral plane, who promises to return the supposedly «stolen» energy from you, by a simple mental turn in the opposite direction of the crane (valve) on a barrel of energy on Mercury ... then firstly: it speaks about the problems of mental abilities of a person, and secondly, if he had the opportunity to receive knowledge from Natalia Rodina, then this is the real path of Judas for him - the path of betrayal of the Highest Knowledge and the limit of his growth at "thirty pieces of silver"!

Author: Rodin Sergey Arkadievich