How to understand why pain occurs – physical or mental? What is she talking about? How to understand the causes and get rid of painful conditions? Natalia Rodina answers these important questions in this video.
How to bring up modern children? How to lay the foundation for their worldview? Natalia Rodina tells in this video.
What does it mean that our Universe is alive? Natalia Rodina answers in this video.
What are mind programs? How does the mind play with a person and create his reality? And how can we learn to control our thoughts and mind by ourselves? Natalia Rodina gives answers in this video.
What does religion give a person, and what does spiritual development give? Is there a difference between a religious person and a spiritually evolving person? Natalia Rodina will help you understand these issues in this video.
How to stay calm in difficult living conditions? Is it possible to have stability when there is so much chaos, problems, and suffering around? Natalia Rodina answers these questions in this video.
Why do people get sick so much? Why does a person need diseases? And how can you restore health and always be a healthy person? Listen to Natalia Rodina's answers in this video.
Who is human by nature? What is the purpose of each person, his abilities, and capabilities? Natalia Rodina responds in this video.
In this streaming, we will consider the modern view of the meditation process, define its main tasks and learn how to properly use this energy mechanism to achieve the maximum positive effect. Natalia Rodina will answer the questions of the streaming participants and hold a session of the highest level energy restoration for them!
Vanga, Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus, and many other people, whose names we associate with predictions of the future, admire this phenomenon and secretly wish to have the same opportunities! But is this gift so sweet and so unique for a person? Why do the predictions of some come true, while others - from case to case? How does this process of foreseeing the future take place, and can it be learned?