This program, developed by Natalia Rodina, is a concentration of the most important knowledge and special practices aimed at solving material problems that arise throughout the life of every person. 

This course includes:

- secrets of working with financial flows;

- resolution of debt processes;

- prosperity in business;

- capital multiplication;

- proper selection of personnel (human factor);

- relationships with financial egregores;

- good choice of work or line of business;

- principles of attracting money and its proper storage;

- and many other questions that a person may have on achieving material well-being in this reality.

The course is intended primarily for people who have problems with money relationships, those who seek to find the right way to make money, as well as for entrepreneurs and business leaders who face difficulties in financing and developing a business.

Like all programs of Natalia Rodina, the course is designed for the maximum effective result individually for each student. Within five days, students will receive special knowledge about the secrets of the energy of money and the hidden processes of the formation of the material sphere of life, perform energy practices based on sacred mechanisms, and also receive the basics of the psychology of money relations and the development of intuition in decision making.

All programs are built based on high morality, spirituality, modern scientific achievements, and ancient secret knowledge and do not carry any elements of unconscious programming (such as NLP, hypnosis, religious suggestion, etc.). Natalia Rodina's methodology for achieving an effective result is based on the CONSCIOUS acceptance of information and its LOGICAL processing, to obtain and build accurate personal beliefs and maximum faith in the effectiveness of these mechanisms!

During the course, Natalia Rodina helps everyone individually to fully understand all aspects of the program and quickly put things in order in the most critical situations that concern the student of the courses, and also personally corrects and fills each student with her energy!