This course was developed by Natalia Rodina to support the development of personal mental energy and gaining stability in the psycho-emotional state of students who have passed at least the first level of the learning program.

In this course, people will be given informational and practical knowledge:

- how to cope with yourself and uncontrolled thoughts;

- how to learn to control psychic energy;

- how to learn to distinguish your internal states - their illusory or true meaning;

- practical recognition and understanding of the causes and consequences of events, your own and your family members;

- how to master the creation of a single Spiritual field of consciousness, to maintain life and manage events;

- mastering techniques for the most effective restoration of physical and psycho-emotional health.

 As well as many other personal issues.

This training program, like all others developed by Natalia Rodina, is built based on high morality, spirituality, modern scientific achievements, as well as ancient secret knowledge and does not carry any elements of unconscious programming (such as NLP, hypnosis, religious suggestion, etc.).

The methodology for achieving an effective result is based on the CONSCIOUS acceptance of information and its LOGICAL processing, to obtain and build accurate personal beliefs and maximum faith in the effectiveness of these mechanisms!

During the course, Natalia Rodina helps everyone individually to fully understand all aspects of the program and quickly put things in order in the most critical situations that concern the student of the courses, and also personally corrects and fills each student with her energy!